Results: After ten months of working together, Berriman Web Marketing managed to more than double total student inquiries and applications referred from Google Ads by 137% while cutting the average cost per student inquiry by more than 20% during that same time period.

Client: Vermont Technical College is a public technical college here in Vermont with campuses in Randolph Center, Williston and Norwich. Berriman Web Marketing was contracted to help Vermont Tech make improvements to their online presence and grow their new student inquiries, applications and enrollment through online ads and SEO.

Strategy & Execution: Through a rigorous initial setup of Google Ads campaigns with comprehensive keyword research and after having conducted several rounds of monthly optimizations over the course of the contract, Berriman Web Marketing was able to grow student inquiries and applications from Google Ads while continually improving the cost-effectiveness of their campaigns.

Highlights – Nov 2021 – Aug 2022:

  • Google Ads
    • Increased total clicks to website from Google Ads by 109%
    • Increased total student inquiries & applications from Google Ads by 137%
    • Decreased avg cost-per-conversion (inquiries+apps) from Google Ads by 22%


Increase in clicks to website
from Google Ads.


Increase in New Student Inquiries
from Google Ads.


Decrease in average

Hey, my name is Mitch Berriman! I’ve been in this industry for over a decade now with a focus on SEO, SEM and pay-per-click advertising.