Display Advertising, Retargeting & Programmatic Services in Vermont
If you’re trying to reach consumers while they’re engaging with content online and incorporate strong visual elements and your own branding, Display Advertising with banner ads is a choice marketing channel. With display advertising, you can target banner ads to show when a user is looking at content on a website that might be relevant to your business or to show for a user who has shown an interest in your particular topic or subject matter online!
Within Display Advertising you can also incorporate audience targeting to retarget or remarket to people who have visited your website but maybe didn’t purchase one of your products on that first visit. Another productive method for display advertising is called programmatic buying which incorporates a programmatic element to your media buying to fully optimize when and where your serving ads based on thousands of potential data points.
My Services Include:
Campaign Planning & Structuring
Development of creative assets and ads
Ongoing Management & Optimization of Audiences, Bids & Targeting
Regular Reporting, Analysis & Correspondence

For a free consultation, email mitch@berrimanwebmarketing.com, call
802-764-3121, or complete our consultation request form!